You can listen here if you need to take the Survival Guide on the go!

 Click the radio subscribe button and I'll encourage you via your favorite podcast player every Sunday. 

Co-Working Invitation per Episode 12, "How to Go Beyond Boundary Issues"

You're invited to a free virtual co-working session, courtesy of the Community Mental Health Survival Guide! 

We're gathering, doing paperwork, and getting questions answered! 

Bring yourself and a productive goal for the hour. See you there! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 · 9:00 to 10:00am Pacific (Noon to 1:00pm Eastern)

Co-Work and Chill: The Community Mental Health Survival Guide 

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/yjm-adop-ivp


Thursday, April 28 · 4:00 to 5:00pm Pacific (7:00 to 8:00pm Eastern)

Co-Work and Chill: The Community Mental Health Survival Guide 

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/yjm-adop-ivp

Checklist per Episode 11, "Preparation for Success"

You can download the "Planning for Success" Checklist HERE, and use it to take stock of any needs you might have for your workspace or workflow. 

Recommendations per Episode 4, "Watch TV to Release Those Feels"

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 

A musical comedy on the impact of untreated mental health on relationships.


A dramedy about being Black, early career and single. Black Beauty? Always. Black Trauma? Never.


An absolutely wild Primetime soap about someone who has to solve problems even crazier than the ones we deal with all day. I take no responsibility for Season 4. 

The Simpsons 

A reminder that everything we take seriously can be laughed at.

Batman, The Animated Series 

My nostalgic re-watch that delights my inner child. I can listen to it while I work on other things.

Recommendations per Episode 2, "Waste Time by Watching TV"

Growing Up Trans PBS Documentary

This Big Little Lies Scene, balanced with this critique of that particular TV therapist. Thinking critically about TV therapy can help you grow, but always discuss it with your supervisor!

The Florida Project