Mini Meetings

I am not your supervisor or your HR manager. 

I'm just a therapist who survived. 

You're going to survive too. It's my mission to make it so

If you've been wanting to consult with a therapist about your job or career, bring your question to our meeting and I'll be practical and direct with my answer. 

We'll hash it out for 30 minutes. You can take notes. 

You can receive free resources every week in the Sunday emails. It's my commitment that as long as I'm writing them, the emails will stay free. There is a cost to this project though, so paid consultation is one way I offset that cost. These meetings are at a length, and a price point, that I can reasonably take time away from my primary work to offer them. 

Consider scheduling a mini-meeting if you are:


"How do I verify my work setting? "

You don't. 

What counts as "low cost" services? 

You decide.

Neither one of us have time to tracking down some sort of proof of whatever. I trust you. You're a therapist. You need to talk. Your job is hard. That's enough for me.

Stop spiraling. If you've been reading the guide, staring at this website, or frantically searching Facebook for someone to fix your problem, just book the appointment, love! We'll handle it together.

These meetings are not therapy. If you want therapy, find me at my CLINICAL WEBSITE instead. 

These meetings don't replace clinical supervision. I will help you follow your supervisor's direction, unless it conflicts with the laws of your state and rules of your board. 

These meetings are not EMDR consultation: If you want EMDRIA credit for our time together, CHECK THIS OUT instead. 

These meetings ARE a safe space for you to ask, admit, and address the stuff you can't google or take to your next work meeting. 

It's a meeting to address the big picture career questions. 

Can I do this? If so, how? And does it have to be this hard? 

It's a meeting to address the daily job questions: 

How do you schedule yourself? How can I get better at handling the mandated reports? How do I leave work at work? Should I prioritize specialty training or studying for my license?

And if you have a tiny question, just subscribe to and reply to the Sunday email! Put your question in your reply and I'll schedule it for a future topic of the week (anonymously, of course). You can also access the hive-mind of peers in the Facebook Group

But if you can't wait a few weeks, if your situation is a little more personal, or if you've been looking for a different way to contribute to this project you know what to do: